Friday, December 18, 2009

আজকের এই লেখা সুধু বিজয়ের শুভেচ্ছা জানানোর জন্য। বিজয় দিবস কে স্রদ্ধা করে আমি আজকে বাংলায় লেকছি। আমার পক্ষ থেকে সবাই কে বিজয় দিবসের শুভেছা। সবাই এই দিনটি উদজাপন করুন কিন্তু মনে রাখবেন এই দিনটি পেতে আমাদের কত কষ্ট করতে হোয়েছে। তাই এই দেশের জন্য আমদের সবার কিছু করতে হবে। তাই চলেন দেশের জন্য কিছু করি।

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Street people in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a poor country. Majority of the people live below the poverty line. And many of them don't have any home to live so they live under the open sky. There are some other poor people who live in slums. They live in such a bad condition which is unmentionable. In the slums many kind of problems are there. The slums in Dhaka are the capital for many types of crimes like drags, hijack, prostitution and contract killing etc. the slums are also a big reason for land robbery. There are a big numbers of slums in Dhaka which are situated in the place of lack or river. On the other hand those people who live under sky are the worse sufferer. Only god knows how they are surviving. Think for a moment if one day you don't have any money with you and no were to go what would you do? And now think that the street people especially the children & women have to face this problem every day. We must do something for them. We have to do it now.

Some suggestions:

§ Government can build a bid place there all the street and the people of slums will live.

§ Government can give them job to do to feed them selves. ( job of garbing, cleaning, west management etc)

§ Government can restart government owned factories and stuff the skilled people.

§ We can open a night school for the street people & every conscious, patriotic, and educated person will teach any thing to them, and also donate some money for there books and other things.

§ We can also open a training center for them where they can train them selves.

A lot of other things we can do to reduce there pain.

Drinking Water

Bangladesh is known as the country of rivers. About 700 rivers including tributaries flow through the country constituting a waterway of total length around 24,140 km. so we must not have any problem of water. But it is very sad that we are facing a lot of problems about water. The two major problems are crisis of clean drinking water & water pollution. We have a lot of water but it is not clean enough to drink. Now I am giving some cause and solutions to them.

· Most of our rivers are not born in our country

· Our neighbor country is not giving us enough water

· Because of global warming sea level is raising and flow of river is decreasing

· We do not have advance technology to purify drinking water

· We have already used a lot of under ground water so the water level is going down

· Rivers are being polluted by mills & factories

· The demand is raising but supply is not enough


· We have to stop using under ground water

· By advance technology

· We have to stop dumping west into rivers

· We have to stop land robbery

Traffic jam in Bangladesh

Now a days one of the biggest problem in Bangladesh is traffic jam. And day by day it is getting worse. Everyday traffic jam is causing loss of millions of taka. The capital of our country ‘Dhaka is collapsed because of traffic jam, which is making our economy week. Now traffic jam has become the major problem in Dhaka. The Government and the people of Dhaka want release from traffic jam at any cost. So it has become a big challenge for government to reduce traffic jam.

Reasons of traffic jam:

§ Population

§ Unawareness among general people

§ Week traffic rule

§ Rear example of low enforcement

§ Big number of privet cars

§ Insufficient roads

§ Narrow roads

§ Three wheelers (rickshaw, CNG auto rickshaw)

§ Unplanned city

§ Dishonest traffic polish



A lot of things can be done to reduce traffic jam.

§ By population control

§ We can raise awareness among general people

§ We can improve traffic rules

§ We can make new low or enforce existing one to control traffic

§ Make some new low about privet vehicle

§ We can increase the CNG price (to control privet vehicle)

§ Make a new plane for Dhaka and other cities of Bangladesh

§ Move all universities, mills, factories, from big cities to towns

§ We can also take assistance of experts


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The problem of gas in Bangladesh

The problem of gas in Bangladesh

We often heard that, Bangladesh is floating on gas; it is nothing but a wrong idea. As a small country it has a lot of gas beneath its ground. But it is not as much as we think. In the past USA told us that, we have a lot of gas but it wasn’t true. USA told us that because they want us to export gas to them. Now a days we know we do not have that much gas. The gas we have is not unlimited it is limited. So we must use it wisely. We can’t waste gas. But we are wasting a lot of gas. We are making electricity by burning gas. But this is not a good idea. We need electricity but not in exchange of gas. We are wasting a lot of gas because of our unawareness. Some of us do not put off the gas stove after using it. We do not mind wasting because we do not have to pay extra if we use more, as the bill is fixed. We have to change it. At first we have to stop wasting it then the system has to be changed. We have to attach a miter to all users’ line. After that we have to increase the pay rate of CNG as a fuel. As the cost of CNG is very chip in our country a lot of car is converting into a CNG car. So a lot of people are being influenced to buy a privet car which is a big reason of traffic jam in Dhaka. So if we want to improve our gas sector we have to follow these simple steps. So let’s practice these simple rules and transform Bangladesh.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Problem of Electricity
Bangladesh is a developing country and it has a lot of problem of power. By power I am mining electricity. We do not have enough supply of electricity. As a developing country, Bangladesh is growing in every sector. To continue this growth we need power to run our mills & factories. If we do not get enough power, rather than going up we will fell down. So electricity is very important for us; then what are we doing to improve this sector? I will say nothing. No one is doing anything. The power sector of Bangladesh did not changed a bit in the last few years. We all know there has been a lot of corruption in this sector. A lot of money has been vanished or stolen. Past is past we can’t do anything to change that. But we can change the present. We can save power by razing awareness, like when we are going outside of a room we can turn off the light and fan/Ac, after using the computer shut down it, stop using unnecessary things. By doing these we can save a lot of power. But it will not be enough. For more we have to change the system. Now we are burning gas and producing electricity which is not right. Natural gas is not unlimited it is limited so we all so have to save it. So I suggest using modern technology to make power. We also have to stop corruption. We have to keep this in mind that this country is like a ship and we are the passenger so if it skunks we also sunk. So if anyone does anything wrong in front of us we will stop him/her no matter who he/she is. So for our own good we have to change ourselves, others and the system.

Let’s Change Our Country
Our country Bangladesh became independent in 1971. From 1971 to 2009 is 38 years. It’s a long period of time. We have lost a lot for our independence but what we have gained in the last 38 years. Only 1st place in corruption, violence, traffic jam on the road, dispute between political parties etc. there is a long list of losing but little of gaining. If our last generation waned to do something for our country we wouldn’t be at this position. Almost nothing has been changed since independence. So what is the problem? We all know that Bangladesh is not a poor country; it almost has everything to build up a developed country. I think the problem is corruption; leadership, and mainly our lack of desire. First of all Corruption is all over the place it is difficult to explain it in one writing. And the problem with leadership is that, we did not have any good, patriotic, well educated & honest leader. All leaders we have today are hungry for wealth. And last of all, I think, we are the main problem. We are happy with little; we do not need more. But it is our want; a developed & modern country. We just blame each other. We blame our leaders but when they come to us for our vote we just give our vote to them. We all know that, there is some problem with our leaders but we do not have the guts to stand up and lead. Many of us have the ability to lead our nation to the top so stop blaming and stand up. Lets walk together and lets change Bangladesh.